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By: Dominick Pages

This week features a guest blog from Dominick Pages, who was the guest on Episode 8 and on Episode 56 of our weekly show, “Now Hear This Entertainment.”  He is the owner of Crystal Blue Sound Studios and also plays and sings in longtime classic rock band Crystal Blue.  Plus, he’s the executive producer of the Web series, “Abbey Ridge Live.”

Dominick PagesCreativity – the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination.  The need for creativity in modern industry; creativity in the performing arts. Bliss, supreme happiness or joy or contentment, wedded bliss.

In the past 25 years I have been in the music industry as a producer, musician, writer, and engineer, and mentor.  I’ve had many first glance, up close looks at the many facets of creativity and the process.  I have experienced the bliss that creativity births.  I have found that to achieve the best results it’s better to let than to get.  In other words, let your creativity unfold as opposed to forcing the issue.

Ways of benefiting from creativity.

Life gets busy.  We sometimes forget why we create or what value it provides our lives.  Whether you are first-time artists or an expert there are endless benefits to continually pursuing your inner artist.

1. Solve the problem
There isn’t a manual for being artistic, and there isn’t a manual for being alive.  Obstacles and challenges throughout life are inevitable.  However, when we make creativity a habit, we continue to learn resourceful ways of solving problems in our music, art, and in our lives.

2. Expand your sense of time
Countless musicians and artists have discovered the experience of timelessness that one encounters in the creative zone.  The same holds true for professional athletes, actors, or everyday people.  Time feels limitless when we are in the creative zone.  Strangely enough, when we give ourselves time for creative pursuits, we gain time.  Who couldn't use the feeling of more time?

3. Experience self-awareness and expression
Creativity is the route to authenticity.  As we create we plumb the depths of our being, accessing what we think and believe.  The more we create, the more we discover and realize our habits, impulses, and desires.  When we take the time and energy to develop our own ideas, we respect our inner nature and are better able to express ourselves to the world on a regular basis.

4. Freedom at last
There is no right or wrong way to be an artist.  When we create, we are given the opportunity to engage with the world without judging ourselves.  We have permission to take risks, try new things, and strip away inhibitions in a healthy way.

5. Stress relief
Making art is meditative.  Taking the time to use our hands, minds, and energy doing something we love is of utmost importance in life.  Being creative makes us happy.  Art is FUN, and doing anything that brings joy reduces our stress levels and improves the quality of life.  What could be more important than that?

The basis of consistency is habit.  Research and science has proven that it takes 21 days to form new habits.  I invite you to take the first steps in your creative bliss awakening.  For the next 21 days start a new habit.  Choose a very easy one.  For example, writing a few thoughts in the morning of how you perceive the upcoming day.  Visualize yourself doing what you love the most each day and finally, best of all, make a list of things you have gratitude for.  This will set the tone for a great day at the beginning of a new habit that will enhance your life as never before.

Visit the Crystal Blue Sound Studios website to see studio news and offerings and related content, plus links to their social media sites.  (Go here to see the prior guest blogs we’ve published.)