Founder of the global event, Universal Music Day, and author of “ABZs of Musical Instruments.” She also discusses how she claimed her singing voice (after thinking she was tone deaf) and how people can get involved with Universal Music Day, plus she talks about an Oprah Winfrey event she was invited to and a podcast of her own that she hopes to start.
“… ‘Claim the musician within’ and I thought, ‘Well that sounds interesting, and I just did the singing thing, so, what could the music be like?’”
“All the doors to my stress relievers were slammed shut, except that this window of opportunity, of claiming my voice, was there.”
“They were opera singers, rock stars, jazz singers, they were tone deaf like me, but, there were some that were professional singers and musicians, and I thought, ‘Oh wow, I have hit the lottery. Pay attention here.’”
“When you’re singing or even humming, you are sending energy past your immune system, which is right near your heart, and you’re giving every cell of your body a gentle little massage. And that is enough to help remove stress, to get you in a much better frame of mind, provides for contemplation, enriches our lives, and energizes many parts of the brain. In fact, music making is the only thing that stimulates every part of the brain.”
“In 2007, the day after Earth Day, it was like, ‘Oh my God, this is it – Do for music and humanity what Earth Day is doing for the Earth and humanity.’”
“…people take music for granted. Even musicians often take music for granted, because, it’s what they know. If they started making music at five years old, ya’ know, it’s like, a fish in water? A fish doesn’t know water, right? It’s just what’s there.”
“(Universal Music Day) is to encourage musicians to really encourage other people to make music and share the gift of that and not to take it for granted but really look at what they get out of it.”
“Music helps connect the right and left brain, the head to the heart, and our heart to each other’s heart.”