A duo act who prides themselves on playing every instrument you hear - no loops or tracks - they have a unique story about essentially living on the road in their RV. Chris plays guitar and drums and has performed with and for a list of artists that includes Lee Brice, while Kristen (bass and lead vocals) had a solo career that included performing at the Bluebird Cafe, among other venues. They've had 80 thousand-plus streams on Spotify and a video that got more than 100 thousand plays on YouTube in one week! Among other topics in this interview, they discuss new music they're working on for release next year.
(Kristen) "I think kind of what happens when you're both musical in a couple, your separate projects start pulling you in different directions. And, you realize that you just want to do it together."
(Kristen) "We realized that with that recognition of that song that we had something special brewing. And then we just took a chance on ourselves and then we started Magnolia Wind."
(Chris) "We kinda had that conversation - at the point where we were just like dating and not even engaged or married or anything - about do we want to introduce music into this relationship 'cause it's a big thing mixing business in with a personal life."
(Chris) "We actually live and tour out of an RV now."
(Kristen) "Yeah, it's a new development, but it's something that is very practical."
(Chris) "The best way to describe it is we're like a two-person trio."
(Chris) "We kind of look at all of our sponsors and companies that we work with as our friends because we've built relationships with these people, we know them on a personal level at this point. It's kind of a you-help-me, we-help-you type thing. It's not a one-sided relationship. It's really just about making connections with these people and just working together essentially in this industry."
(Kristen) "For me music is just about community and creating that, and so if we're not actively doing that... I guess that's like the passion behind it and the fuel that keeps it..."
(Kristen) "As an artist you play in a lot of bars and things like that when you're coming up, so you're used to people, kind of, partying and making noise around you. So, when everyone's dead silent and really, really listening it can be intimidating."
"Don't Belong"