It’s a holiday today in the United States. Schools, banks, the post office, and other government entities are closed, and there are likely even some businesses that you should think about calling before heading over to today (verifying if they’re open or not).
It’s days like today when you sit and realize that you have so much you could do, that you often end up deciding to do none of it. That’s caused by being overwhelmed and I heard some advice a while back that for those instances “just do the next thing.”
However, isn’t a holiday supposed to resemble that thing that apparently is called relaxing?
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If you’re like me, however, it’s difficult to shut down your engine altogether. You’re someone who just has to always keep busy doing something. The good news is that on a day like today you can busy yourself with other things, if you wish.
In no particular order…
That video that you’ve been putting off editing for quite some time now? It might not be raining but treat today like the proverbial rainy day that people procrastinate such projects for. Think about when it will get done if you don’t do it today. But remember too the satisfaction of not only being able to check it off your list and get that monkey off your back, but the fact that you’ll have a new addition to your YouTube channel.
Secondly, today could be the day that you finally make those overdue updates to your website. The song that you released two-and-a-half months ago that really doesn’t have much of a presence on your website is feeling like the redheaded stepchild. So, give it the attention it deserves and identify its rightful place on your website. And while you’re at it, update your list of upcoming live shows and your photo gallery.

A third idea would be backing up your hard drive. You save both on your hard drive and to the cloud? Okay, good, keep that up and pat yourself on the back since you’re probably in the minority. Too many of you are gambling with your data and will not be happy when you lose pictures, videos, documents, or some combination thereof, only to look back and think of the fact that you chose to waste today by watching ‘cat fail’ videos on YouTube.
Put new strings on your guitar. You bought them a while ago. Every time you perform you complain about still needing to put them on. Yet, there they sit, unopened, and no closer to putting themselves on your guitar than they were last week or the day you got them.
Let me be the mature, responsible adult and say, just like backing up your hard drive, have you documented somewhere what to do in case of emergency? Meaning, if you were, gulp, gone from this earth, is the person who has to look after your affairs going to know where to start? Do you have a list of all your monthly bills and your bank accounts and your passwords and, well, you get the point. It’s tough enough to lose a loved one, but they’re going to only be more emotional (in a negative way) if they have no idea where to start with anything in terms of your business affairs. Work on that list today and then tell the person who would benefit from it, “I’m saving it as (filename).”
Go online and make that medical appointment you’ve been putting off. You’re not going to be able to audition or perform or write if you’re in the hospital. Since medical offices are probably closed today, use their web portal to schedule the test you’ve been putting off for far too long now.

Go to lunch with a friend you’re overdue on getting together with. He or she likely has the day off and will be thrilled that you thought of spending your day off with them. While you’re at it, get a picture together just to have, not necessarily for social media. On the days when you’re missing that person, you’ll have the photo and the memories from today’s lunch.
Listen to a podcast. This is a good time to binge listen and hear what you’ve been missing out on. Of course, I recommend my weekly “Now Hear This Entertainment” podcast. But think of wanting to get back into a normal routine when things resume tomorrow. By catching up today you’ll be ready to move forward as new episodes get released.
Perhaps most importantly, do something to recognize Veterans Day. Most people would probably suggest that you thank a veteran, but that might be easier said than done. Listen to a military-based song or two. Watch some video content that will help you further your appreciation for the men and women who’ve served our country. And be thankful to live in America.
For twenty years I have been helping indie music artists, authors, actors, entrepreneurs, podcasters, filmmakers, small business owners, and more. What challenges are you having in your creator career that I can lend some insight to? Let’s get on a short call together so you can take advantage of all my experience, and I can help and keep you moving forward.