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Bruce Wawrzyniak at an event last week speaking about podcasting
By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

My brother will see a movie trailer and grimace and say, “I don’t need to see that movie.  I already did – when it was called” and he’ll say the title of a film that he felt was exactly like the one he’s seeing a preview for.  It’s kind of funny and I get his point, however, they ARE two different films and WILL have their differences.

I remember when I worked in the National Hockey League, being up in the press box during a game, and a PR colleague looking at me pensively.  He deadpanned, “Bruce, have you ever seen a game exactly like this one?!”  Sigh.  Of course I couldn’t say Yes.  As similar as it might have been to a certain game that came to mind for one or two or three reasons, it wouldn’t have been the exact same as the one being played out on the ice down below me.

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Don’t let people discourage you when you have an idea you feel good about, yet they want to talk you out of.

This could be a YouTube video, a song you’re intending to write, a short film you want to make, a podcast you want to start – the list goes on.

My calendar is filling up with lots of speaking engagements.  In fact, I’m already booked for something as far out as next April.  Just last week I spoke at an event (pictured above) where my topic was podcasting.  This was a presentation where I told the attendees, sure, a little bit about my weekly “Now Hear This Entertainment” podcast, but more about how and why they could and should consider starting a podcast themselves, be it for professional or personal reasons.

As indicated above, I encouraged them to not get disappointed when they start their planning, only to bump into a podcast or two or ten that seem to be quite a bit like what they’ve been brainstorming.  After all, I told them, YOU have something very different to say than those people who are already doing a show on the same topic.

This holds true with the above examples I listed out (YouTube video, song, short film, etc.), meaning, other creators don’t have the same background as you.  They haven’t had the same experiences that you have.  They haven’t been in all of the same situations that you have.  You aren’t all from the same place and had the same ups and downs in life.

Again, “Bruce, have you ever seen a game exactly like this one?”

There’s a whole separate debate about, “Should I research what others like me are doing?”  That’s up to you.  I submit that there is no right or wrong answer.  At the same time, of course, you do want to avoid using the same title.  (I recently read somewhere about a name that is currently being used, I don’t know, something like twelve times as the title of a podcast.  D’oh!  Talk about not doing ANY research!)

I strongly urge you to not let the naysayers talk you out of what you have in your mind and your heart.  And at the same time, consider the source.  Could there be jealousy at play in their trying to dissuade you?  What is this person’s personality, meaning, are they typically negative and/or a Debbie Downer?  Or, what about, gulp, their motive?  Is this someone you can trust to not try to tell you why you shouldn’t make that video, song, film or podcast, only so that they can go away and roll up their sleeves and try to do the exact same thing themselves?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  If a little voice in your head is trying to mess with you, remember that if something else is out there that bears some resemblance to what you want to do, maybe that’s a sign that there is a market for it!  Supply and demand, right?

Regardless of how much something else might already exist, if it wasn’t done by you, then you have your own perspective to bring to it.  Create it, enjoy the process, and put it out there for your audience to enjoy.

For twenty years I’ve been helping indie music artists, authors, actors, entrepreneurs, podcasters, small business owners, and more.  What challenges are you having in your creator career that I can lend some insight to?  Let’s have a ten-minute, no obligation call so you can simply take advantage of all my experience and I can help you with your challenges and keep you moving forward.