There was an Alan Parsons Project song back in the day called, “Games People Play.” The lyric, “Where do we go from here” comes to mind as this new year begins. It’s actually kind of sad that I even have to write this blog to say this to the unmotivated, because you already know what you have to do. And for that matter, Nike has already issued a three-word edict that should be plain and clear.
The problem is, people make New Year’s resolutions, but don’t keep them. At the beginning of 2013 Forbes reported that University of Scranton research suggested that just EIGHT PERCENT of people achieve their New Year’s goals! The reason they fail – according to one of our clients who is a certified addictions professional – is because they don’t have any help, accountability, or a plan for how they’re going to do it.
What you actually have before you now is an opportunity. A blank slate. A new year brings with it a chance to set out a plan for how you’re going to do it. What is “it”? Achieving success, but in whatever way you choose to define success.
Don’t stand on the ground looking up at 2015 like it’s a billboard high atop an elevated highway. Face it head on with confidence and determination.
Write down your goals and objectives so that you have something to refer back to on a regular basis. Again, accountability, just like our client said.
Looking back at previous blogs, there’s a recurring theme. This space is being used once again to remind you that now is the time to separate yourself from the pack. A lot of others WILL rally around the new set of twelve months to propel them to new heights. Will you be among that crowd or will you set out with that intention but then tail off after two weeks or 30 days?
Resolve to do something in your music career that makes you a little uncomfortable. Maybe it’s playing out of town or co-writing or performing a song or two in a different genre. After all, January 1st is like a Get Out Of Jail Free card in the game of Monopoly. In other words, you have a built-in excuse to get a free pass on rolling the dice with an uncharacteristic move.
Heck, people write songs that motivate listeners. Strive to be the one who writes that song, not the one sitting on the sofa listening to it.
Most of all, have fun with it. And good luck. Let us know what you resolved to do and, more importantly, when (and how) you did it. Tweet us or post on our Facebook page and reference this blog post so we can take solace in knowing we inspired you.
As a guest said on an episode of our weekly podcast, “Just make something amazing and people will take notice.”
5 January 2015
By: Bruce Wawrzyniak