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A singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist who released a new single in April. Based in the greater Los Angeles area, she has been reviewed by Rolling Stone Magazine and she has been in Music Connection magazine as well. She comes from very notable entertainment lineage, and she even hosts her own self-titled show with significant distribution. While she performs in and around the greater Los Angeles area – including notable venues such as The Viper Room and Hotel Café – she has even played in the music hotbed of Austin, Texas. She recently appeared in her first TV commercial and has close ties to a past guest from this show. She talks about live recordings currently being worked on as well as a Christmas collab she’s a part of.

Notable Guest Quotes

“My dad was in a band called Moby Grape.  They were like a 60s psychedelic rock and roll band.  They’re very well known in the rock and roll world and they're kind of known as, like, cult heroes.”

“I always thought when I was younger, I just was like, oh, it's too late.  Like, I'm too late for me to be a musician and then I just decided to go for it and luckily my dad helped me out.”

“Opportunities just seem to keep coming to me, whether it's performing or recording or working with people I admire.”

“I think that's really important for an artist to really just create music that they love rather than trying to make something that is going to, like, please an audience, or get attention.”

“That's the important thing with musicians is like, choose who you want to work with because of how they play.”

“I like being in showcases like that because you're exposed to other people's art, and then you find out that, like, you fit into this certain niche that you may not have ever discovered or thought you would be involved in.”

“An interesting fact too, my grandfather, my dad's dad, he actually was in radio, he actually founded the Armed Forces Radio Network.”

“It takes a certain amount of, like, faith and humbleness, I think, to allow the magic to unfold in certain cases and then I think that's what makes it that much more special and unique rather than, you know, buying your way into something.  I think it's better to allow things to kind of naturally unfold.”

“I would love to like really study classical and jazz so I have a foundation to create in the genre of, like, alternatives, but with underlying sophistication.  I just want more freedom as a musician to be able to improvise more with whatever I'm playing with and learn more about harmony.  And yeah, I just want to crack the code for music.”

Songs on this episode

“Doctor My Eyes”