Nashville-based singer, songwriter, guitar player who is also the founder of Nashville Nights, which is discussed during this interview. He has written thousands of songs and had several publishing deals, and his story includes overcoming surgery on his vocal cords. He is a multiple GRAMMY-ACM-CMA-Golden Guitar and Dove-nominated songwriter and had 23 singles in the last year alone. During the month of May, he will be in Europe performing a number of shows in Denmark. He was previously a guest on this show back on Episode 434 almost two years ago, in June 2022.
“It was the first time I got to be in Rolling Stone magazine. I wasn’t on the cover, but I was in the back.”
“This is how it was with the accolades. The phone didn’t start ringing off the hook, but they started picking up when I called. So that was a big difference, and it does accelerate your career.”
“As I started to receive the accolades and gain status, prowess as a writer in town with a great reputation, I found that there was still a glass ceiling.”
“You kind of have to get that number one (song) on your own, and then the doors swing wide open.”
“You just start out wanting the best, whatever that may be. And as you start to climb those ladders, you start to realize – it’s a really high ladder!”
“You start to find out as you go along in this industry that the way to lead is with your heart and with kindness no matter what, because when you do that, it comes back in spades.”
“If you take the total spins that I have with those 23 singles, it’s almost ten million.”
“The social media platform can absolutely still launch a career. Now, labels are no longer gobbling up a TikTok star because they’re realizing their well isn’t deep enough and they’re just not prepared for what it actually takes to go out on the road 365 days a year. But not to say that they’re not. Look at Oliver Anthony. Oliver Anthony is doing very, very well, blew up on TikTok, the whole thing.”
“It’s not as necessary to move to Nashville anymore. Really what it is is, get a regional following, make sure that you’re seasoning yourself with touring and things like that, and then build a social media platform, build your numbers.”
“The opportunity is exponentially larger for someone that’s in a town that is driven by music.”
“Blockchain technology is the answer. Through simply registering a blockchain code to the original creation of a song and tying the two together you can forever have an evergreen residual resource of your song. You don’t need a publisher. You don’t need a label. You don’t need anything other than that NFT and it can be defined as your intellectual property.”
“6th of October” (Ashley McBryde)
“Home Sweet Highway” (Ashley McBryde)