Los Angeles-based singer, songwriter, guitar and piano player who just last month released a new music video that already has more than 6,500 views on YouTube. Last year she released an EP in November after having put out an EP in October, both following a deluxe 18-song album that she’d released in September after having put out a 14-song version of it in August. Her releases have drawn acclaim from various publications, and she has amassed more than 1.5 million streams for her top five songs on Spotify alone, where she currently has 74 thousand monthly listeners. She also is putting up really big numbers on TikTok, and, she is working on more new music this year, as she discusses here.
“First I’m a poet, then I’m a songwriter, and that’s just how I write.”
“Every song whether it’s happy or sad can be just as heavy... There’s pop songs that I hear on the radio that… when you really break down the lyrics they are extremely vulnerable, extremely heavy.”
“I moved to Los Angeles. In 2020 I was going back and forth, and I was really engaging with the creative community here and it would range from photography collaborations with friends, writing sessions with other songwriters, getting in the studio… and I knew that I really wanted to make a decision that was going to help shape my career… so I… drove my car across the country in 2021.”
“I came out with a poetry book called, ‘It’s Five AM My Time Again’ in 2020 and so I was constantly writing.”
“I worked really hard, but I also felt that I was burnt out trying, again for quantity of things… now, what’s changed is, I don’t have anything to prove.”
“Songwriting to me is, like, if I’m writing in a journal, or I’m writing a poem or I’m writing a song, afterwards, it is almost like a weight is lifted off your shoulders. That’s how cathartic it is for me to write a song. I’m literally getting something out of my system.”
“I recently was signed to publishing for my very first time.”
“I finally feel as if I’m building up a good team for myself with a manager and publishing and just people that I’m getting to work with and have on my side and distribution as well.”
“The nerves, they don’t go away. Every single time I perform I’m like, ‘I wonder if this time’s going to be a little bit different.’ I mean, they vary, like, it depends on the venue, it depends on which songs I’m singing, who I’m performing with, am I performing by myself. It varies, but, those nerves, they haven’t gone away.”
“I’ve never been so excited for releases before. The music I’m releasing this year I feel is some of my best writing and I feel that I’ve really found a sound that I’m most comfortable with and that I’m happy to represent.”
“Strawberry Sensation”