A singer, songwriter, international performer from Los Angeles, who got her start busking on the streets in the LA area, but has also played festivals around the world, including South Korea, where she placed fifth in the 2022 Buskers World Cup. Her YouTube channel has amassed over 800,000 video views and she has released several albums as an unsigned independent artist, including two that were crowdfunded through her social media following. This episode was recorded on-location in Anaheim, California, at the NAMM Show, where she had just performed.
“I like to say that I’m successful. I think I am in many ways, and I hope to be more successful and inspire people as well.”
“I went to London for a little bit. I would say that’s really where I got my start in music. I met a producer out there and we started recording some of the original songs that I was writing.”
“I didn’t have, like, formal training. I felt like an imposter for a long time. I think a lot of people have the Imposter Syndrome.”
“I really got my start in music when I started busking because, I was playing these shows in Hollywood on the strip, I was playing, like, House of Blues and the Viper Room, and, all the glorified venues and you have to sell tickets and bring people out and I just didn't make any money doing that and so as soon as I played on the street it’s like people were giving me money for singing and I thought it was so strange because here I am, like, struggling just to get people to listen to me but then I was out there playing and so the money was coming in and so it just kind of gave me more confidence.”
“I think the biggest challenge for artists honestly is funding.”
“When I write my lyrics I write from a very personal place. I like to journal and… I don’t like being someone I’m not. If I have something to say, then I just say it.”
“I think a lot of artists do this, I think they write for themselves, but by writing a song for themselves they actually are helping other people because they are speaking their authentic voice.”
“Presentation is everything. And I would say it doesn't matter if you're self-employed or a musician or if you're going into your 9-5 job, whatever you wear is going to make an impression on people. If you're out playing at a farmers’ market and you're in a really nice suit or a nice dress, people are going to take you more seriously.”
“I consider myself a performer, but I consider myself an artist and I think at some point you do make that transition of, like, okay, I need to have faith in my own music.”
“My favorite place to play was in Switzerland. I’ve also played in Ferrara, in Italy, a city in northern Italy, that’s my last name… That was in 2017, and 2018 was Switzerland. New Zealand was in 2015 and that was through Toyota.”
“Love Ain’t Simple”
“On Her Path”