Texas-based singer, songwriter, guitar and piano player whose debut album came out just over a year ago. He has a new single coming out this Friday, May 20th, and country superstar Cody Johnson put two of his songs on his new album. He is touring in full force, having started this month in Key West after having been in Georgia and, of course, Texas, the month before and New Mexico earlier this year. At the end of May he’ll be playing at the famous Bluebird Café in Nashville before heading on to Kentucky and Louisiana. Plus, in July, he’ll be a featured participant in the 2nd Lake Martin Songwriters Festival in Alabama.
“I go to Nashville twice a month to write.”
“I’m grateful for all of it, even the parts that hurt.”
“I’ve been writing songs in Nashville since 2005.”
“I used to produce hip-hop and R&B for about 20 years before I moved my exploits to the Nashville scene.”
“My real dad beat my mom almost to death while she was pregnant with me.”
“All the major adult figures in my life were alcoholics and/or drug addicts.”
“I played in the same band too for 29 years.”
“As I got older, I started dealing with that insane childhood of mine. I had stories to tell that I couldn’t tell in hip-hop and R&B… So, I started writing what I thought were country-ish songs.”
“2007 was my first publishing deal. I always tell folks, lookin’ back, I sure am grateful for that company signing me. I was not ready to have a publishing deal. I like to tell people I accidentally wrote a good song every now and then, back then.”
“We live for that connection with a live audience.”
“This is my 18th year of going back and forth to Nashville and chasing this thing.”
“Nashville is a must-be-present-to-win town. It is. But there are exceptions to that.”
“When I Go”
“Crazy Til It Works”