Miami-based singer, director, and producer who has performed and directed in over 40 productions throughout the United States, United Kingdom, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. His latest project is as a member of the group EleMenTrio, which has its debut shows next month. He is also the co-creator of Mad Hatter – The Musical. Plus, he has served in roles ranging from Artistic Director for the Vienna Summer Music Festival, General Director at Opera Orlando, and Assistant Director at Opera in the Ozarks, among others.
“I’m sort of a baritenor who sings mostly in the baritone range, but I do have an upper extension as well.”
“I’m the earth element in our EleMenTrio and so I really provide the groundedness, the foundation, and note-wise I sing pretty comfortably low G to high G.”
“Given the elemental approach to the ensemble I think that Vegas would be absolutely perfect for us to have a residence because that would combine a level of spectacle mixed with the originality of the three timbres of our voices.”
“It was actually very easy to fuse (“You Raise Me Up” and “Danny Boy”) together. The harder part was actually the arrangement aspect of it in terms of the harmonies… The hard part was actually molding the trio aspect of it. And so that to me is really where the uniqueness of our sound comes into play.”
“What I learned about myself a few years ago was that when I was singing full-time, I felt like I was not as fulfilled as I needed to be. So, now I have a recipe of being a director – as a stage director – as well as a singer and a teacher. And I find that the three of these things really helped give me the balance that I need to be the best artist that I can be and sort of like one sort of feeds the other one.”
“I really wanted to be a positive force for education that was outside of academia.”
“Technique is sort of the backbone of what we do as singers and a lot of people will tap into classical or opera technique to sort of help give them the longevity of a long, healthy career.”
“I’ve done all the education – undergraduate, Master’s, and doctorate – and I realize that academia is its own thing, but I wanted to help be a part of cultivating new educational opportunities. And I’ve done that with the London Music Theatre Academy and the Vienna Summer Music Festival so far.”
“I got a scholarship to go to Florida State University, which is where I did my undergraduate degree, and that’s where I really started to build the classical foundation of my voice because up until then I was branching into a little bit of musical theatre, but I was singing mostly rock and pop.”
“It’s really important that we sing songs that is for the good of us all.”
“You Raise Me Up/Danny Boy” (EleMenTrio)
“Be My Wonderland” (with Victor Valdez, from Mad Hatter - The Musical)