Singer/songwriter who plays guitar and heads up indie-rock band The Agreeables, whose music is on radio station playlists ranging from Boston to Indiana to San Francisco. He has performed in the Los Angeles area, written two rock musicals, and produced, directed, and wrote a couple independent films. Plus, he is a former writer for such publications as the L.A. Times, Playboy, and ESPN Magazine, including having interviewed Dave Chappelle.
“I think a lot of times, as musicians, as creative people, we spend a lot of time worrying about those moments – what are we gonna do if you wake up in the middle of the night and you’ve got a tune running through your head or you have an idea. It’s like, ‘Oh my God, will I remember it tomorrow?’ And what I’ve found is that you might not remember it exactly as it is, but you’ll remember it in the way it’s supposed to be and it’ll probably be even better than you thought.”
“My music writing is not quite the same (as his journalistic approach) because… I don’t do any research before I write a song. The song will just come out somehow for me. I rarely sit down to just, ‘Hey, I’m gonna write a song right now.’ I usually just have moments of discovery at random times.”
“The difference in songwriting for me is I’m kind of like a little kid whereas I’m playing with blocks and if the round peg doesn’t fit in the square hole I try to ram it in the triangle hole… I think that’s my songwriting, it’s just much freer, more childlike and to me I think that’s part of the magic of creativity is getting out of our heads and seeing what comes through us.”
“I always used to think it was all me and it was about me and it came from me and, ‘Hey, look at me, aren’t I brilliant.’ And… songs write me now… I sat on the beach and I just started playing a couple chords and this thing came out of me and it really humbled me as a person and taught me as a creative person that it doesn’t come of me, it comes through me.”
“I used to live in L.A. and I was chasing the holy grail of filmmaking and I was an actor for a while and what I learned really early on is you can’t wait around for someone else to play in someone else’s game. You have to go out and create your own game.”
“One of the things I have to remember is that nothing lasts forever and to cherish the moments when you’re out there (performing) with people you like. And that’s really awesome when you like people you perform with, there’s nothing – I’d much rather perform with musicians I like than by myself. It’s just much more gratifying to perform with others. At the same time, it’s really difficult to keep a band together.”
“How to get gigs is, you have to have a really good presentational package, which includes a website and really kick ass videos, and I don’t mean videos shot with your phone. I mean nice videos, edited, with credits and everything… Then I would say it’s flat out persistence.”
"Obscene Perfume Lady"