Octoryia Robinson is the newest client to Now Hear This, effective immediately. NHT President Bruce Wawrzyniak made the announcement, saying, “This is someone who is getting it done. That works well with the same passion and desire from this side of the desk. It’s a privilege to be a part of all that Octoryia is doing.”
Robinson is a business owner, author, podcaster, and speaker. Her company is Launch Now and her book, just released in September, is called Unraveled Potential. Her weekly podcast is “Now to Next” and launched in October. All of these efforts carry the common theme of helping individuals get from where they are (and where they’ve been) to where they want to go.
Launch Now also does special events, including the AIM 2019 Entrepreneurs Gathering, which is scheduled for February 1-2, 2019, in the greater Tampa Bay area.
A mother of five children, and a licensed and ordained minister, Robinson is recognized and loved as an inspirational leader, advisor, and coach for those who are starting up or starting over in life and/or in business.
“There is no shortage of activity with Octoryia and Launch Now that we will be actively pursuing exposure for,” Wawrzyniak said. “She is serving a specific but wide audience that we will open channels for so that more men and women can benefit from these services and projects.”
Unraveled Potential is available at Launch Now events and wherever Robinson speaks. Plus, it can be purchased online through Amazon and through BarnesAndNoble.com. The “Now To Next” podcast can be heard on iTunes (Apple Podcasts), Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Google Podcasts, among other platforms.