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Girl indoors against plain wall wearing yellow shirt and glasses giving thumbs up
By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

In case you aren’t aware, I live in Tampa.  Let me clarify that earlier this month I went to Miami for four days and three nights, so, despite what I think we might have in my part of Florida, I saw really bad traffic there.  Furthermore, I travel to Los Angeles for business (I was there in March and will be going back in September), and that is where traffic is really, really bad.  And yes, I’ve also been to New York City (as recently as this past November), and it’s the east coast version of that bad L.A. traffic up there.

That being said, since I’m more exposed to it more regularly here, my thoughts often go to the people who live in Tampa but drive to St. Pete for work every day.  The commute can be at least one hour (though likely more) one way.  That leaves a lot of time for thought.  It makes for an environment where someone can get lost in analyzing their job and whether all that driving is really worth it or not.

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If you don’t like your job, sitting in your car in standstill traffic on the bridge (or off the bridge, for that matter) can only make you more miserable about the proverbial 9-5 daily grind.

There have been a couple guests on my weekly “Now Hear This Entertainment” podcast who have told me about the attitude that they’ve adopted of, “I get to perform live tonight,” or, “I get to go write a song with some folks today.”  Meaning, they have flipped the script on the temptation to say, “I have to go perform live tonight,” or, “I have to go do a write with some folks today.”

Attitude is everything.

Ten years ago, when I first started the podcast, I went to a recording studio where Nick Pages (NHTE 56 guest) used to say, “We have fifty thousand thoughts a day.  We have a choice, to pick the positive ones instead of the negative ones.”  Above, instead of 'attitude,' I could’ve said, “perspective is everything.”  There’s also the cliché, “Perception is reality,” which, many would argue, happens to be true, by the way.

We’re in the final week of June and people here in America are talking about next week’s 4th of July holiday.  Suffice it to say, the last “holiday,” Memorial Day, is well in the rearview mirror.  That means that May having been Mental Health Awareness Month has likely been forgotten about, unfortunately.

It’s important for your mental health to zap those negative thoughts when they try to enter your mind.  Shift your view on what you GET to do as a creator, rather than thinking of it as what you HAVE to do.

Think of those people who have to sit in that horrible traffic, day after day, week after week, month after month, going to a job they just do not enjoy.  They are uplifted by what you create.  Let me add two words to that sentence.  They are uplifted by what you get to create.

If you’re on the phone with your friend who wants to know if you want to join them this weekend for (insert activity here), tell them excitedly that you’re going to be home editing the next video for your YouTube channel.  Don’t sigh and hang your head and adopt the ‘must be nice’ attitude and mutter, “Psshh, I wish.  I have to edit this video.”  After all, those are probably the same people who will watch all the way through when you post because they wish they were doing what you do!

For the live performers reading this, I want you to embrace being on that stage.  Yes, I’m aware of the gigs where you THINK no one is listening to you and all YOU hear is the dishes and silverware clanging and the TVs blaring sports games.  But then look at the people looking at the time and getting up from their table to leave.  They’re resigning themselves to the fact that, “We better go.  I’ve got to get up early for work tomorrow morning.”  They would love to trade places with you.

One of the reasons that I’m up to 540 episodes of “Now Hear This Entertainment” is because I get to meet someone new every week.  I don’t have to interview that guest, I get to.

For the sake of your mental health, hit the refresh button on your perspective.  Don’t say, “Wow, I like this.  I’m going to have to adopt that as my New Year’s resolution for 2025.”  Why wait six more months?  Put it into action now.  Your creator career just my experience a rebirth.

2024 marks twenty years now that I have been helping indie music artists, authors, actors, entrepreneurs, podcasters, small business owners, and more.  What challenges are you having in your creator career that I can lend some insight to?  Let’s have a ten-minute (no obligation) call so you can take advantage of all my experience, and I can help and keep you moving forward.